Ukrainian Exports Fall 34% in Eight Months
Ukrainian Exports Fall 34% in Eight Months
October 22, 2015According to the State Statistics Committee, Ukrainian exports have fallen 33.9% in the first eight months of 2015 [...]
Kiev Issues Moscow Ultimatum
Kiev Issues Moscow Ultimatum
October 15, 2015Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk has given Russia two weeks to agree to a Ukrainian debt write [...]
Gazprom Resumes Supply of Gas to Ukraine
Gazprom Resumes Supply of Gas to Ukraine
October 13, 2015Gas supplies to Ukraine from Russia have been secured until March 2016, with talks between the two countries coming [...]
Gazprom to Halve Turk Stream Capacity
Gazprom to Halve Turk Stream Capacity
October 09, 2015Russia energy giant, Gazprom is to halve the capacity of the gas pipeline project, Turk Stream. The original [...]
Russia and the Ukraine Reach Agreement on Gas
Russia and the Ukraine Reach Agreement on Gas
September 28, 2015Russia’s energy minister, Alexander Novak said that the Ukraine can purchase gas from Russia’s Gazprom [...]
Russian Airlines to Suffer Over Ukrainian Sanctions
Russian Airlines to Suffer Over Ukrainian Sanctions
September 20, 2015It has emerged that sanctions placed by the Ukrainian government on Russian airlines will lead to vastly increased [...]
Ukraine Experience Second Month of Deflation
Ukraine Experience Second Month of Deflation
September 09, 2015Following inflation in the Ukraine that had peaked at 60.9% year on year in April, the country is now experiencing [...]
IMF Chief Happy with Pace of Reforms in the Ukraine
IMF Chief Happy with Pace of Reforms in the Ukraine
September 07, 2015The Ukraine has achieved macroeconomic stability according to the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde. Following a [...]
Sweeping Reforms Introduced in the Ukraine
Sweeping Reforms Introduced in the Ukraine
September 02, 2015As of yesterday, a host of reforms were implemented in the Ukraine affecting wages and the price of a range of [...]
Ukraine Negotiate Significant Debt Reduction
Ukraine Negotiate Significant Debt Reduction
August 28, 2015The Ukrainian government has negotiated a deal with its largest creditors to reduce $18 billion dollars of debt by [...]
Ukraine Contraction Slowing but Heavy Declines Continue
Ukraine Contraction Slowing but Heavy Declines Continue
August 16, 2015According to official government statistics, the Ukrainian economy contracted by 14.7% in the first six months of [...]
Ukraine to Hold Talks with EU Over Export Quotas
Ukraine to Hold Talks with EU Over Export Quotas
July 29, 2015Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenuk has told journalists that his government will begin to hold talks [...]
Ukraine Russia Gas Talks Could Begin Next Month
Ukraine Russia Gas Talks Could Begin Next Month
July 28, 2015The Ukrainian Minister of Energy and Coal, Volodymyr Demchyshyn has stated that Ukraine Russia gas talks could [...]
Ukraine Looking to Belarus for Gas Transit Solution
Ukraine Looking to Belarus for Gas Transit Solution
July 27, 2015With gas supplies between Russia and the Ukraine currently halted, the Ukrainian government is desperately looking [...]
Imminent Decision for Ukraine’s IMF Loan Tranche
Imminent Decision for Ukraine’s IMF Loan Tranche
July 27, 2015On Friday, Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenuk told journalists that the country has met all the [...]
Cargill to Build New Terminal at Port of Odessa
Cargill to Build New Terminal at Port of Odessa
July 23, 2015American multinational food processing company, Cargill is to invest $100 million into the construction of a new [...]
Eustream Receives Larger Gas Requests from Ukraine
Eustream Receives Larger Gas Requests from Ukraine
July 20, 2015With imports of gas to the Ukraine from Russia suspended over a dispute between Gazprom and Naftogaz, Ukraine are [...]
Ukraine Passes Laws for IMF Loan Tranche
Ukraine Passes Laws for IMF Loan Tranche
July 17, 2015The Ukrainian parliament on Thursday passed the necessary laws to release the next tranche of the $17.5 billion IMF [...]
Social Survey Highlights Scale of Decline in the Ukraine
Social Survey Highlights Scale of Decline in the Ukraine
July 14, 2015The recent events in Greece have overshadowed the economic crisis in the Ukraine. There is little doubt that the [...]
Cabinet Approves Draft Agreement on Ukraine Open Skies
Cabinet Approves Draft Agreement on Ukraine Open Skies
July 12, 2015The Ukrainian cabinet has approved a draft agreement with the United States in order to liberalise the market for [...]