Ukraine to Block Out Russia in Privatisation Program
Ukraine to Block Out Russia in Privatisation Program
July 09, 2015Reports in Ukraine suggest that the government will block Russian companies involvement in the privatisation of [...]
Gazprom Naftogaz Gas Talks Breakdown
Gazprom Naftogaz Gas Talks Breakdown
July 02, 2015Talks between Russian state gas company Gazprom and Ukrainian state company Naftogaz have broken down. As a [...]
Deadline in Ukraine Debt Saga on the Horizon
Deadline in Ukraine Debt Saga on the Horizon
June 25, 2015As much of the focus over the past weeks has centred around Greece, one might be forgiven for overlooking the fact [...]
Ukrenergo Counting Cost of Ukraine Russia Troubles
Ukrenergo Counting Cost of Ukraine Russia Troubles
June 16, 2015Ukrainian national energy company, Ukrenergo is assessing the damage and what actions to take over the Russian [...]
IMF Decision on Ukraine Next Month
IMF Decision on Ukraine Next Month
June 13, 2015Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk has said he expects the IMF to make a decision next month on the [...]
National Bank of Ukraine Close Energobank
National Bank of Ukraine Close Energobank
June 11, 2015Today the National Bank of Ukraine revoked the banking license and liquidated Energobank. In January of this year [...]
Gazprom to Bypass Ukraine by 2019
Gazprom to Bypass Ukraine by 2019
June 11, 2015Russia’s state owned energy company, Gazprom is to go ahead with plans to completely halt the transport of [...]
Government and Oligarch Lock Horns in Ukraine
Government and Oligarch Lock Horns in Ukraine
June 10, 2015The Ukrainian government is beginning to take on one of the country’s wealthiest and most powerful oligarchs. [...]
Poroshenko Renews Pledge to Sell Roshen Business
Poroshenko Renews Pledge to Sell Roshen Business
June 09, 2015Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko has told reporters in Kiev that he is to offload his confectionery business, [...]
Russia to Sue Ukraine over Undelivered Navy Engines
Russia to Sue Ukraine over Undelivered Navy Engines
June 09, 2015Russia’s State Owned United Shipbuilding Corporation announced yesterday that it will be forced to take the [...]
€40 Billion Not Enough Says Ukraine’s Yaresko
€40 Billion Not Enough Says Ukraine’s Yaresko
June 06, 2015With Billions in aid and loans pouring into the Ukraine, those trying to bring the country back on economic track [...]
IMF Predicts 9% Contraction in Ukraine this Year
IMF Predicts 9% Contraction in Ukraine this Year
June 01, 2015The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released a report suggesting the Ukraine will decline by 9% in 2015. The [...]
Doing Business: New Europe’s Most Competitive
Doing Business: New Europe’s Most Competitive
May 29, 2015On 27th May 2015 , The International Institute for Management Development (IMD), announced the findings of its [...]
$1 Billion US Backed Eurobond Issued by Ukraine
$1 Billion US Backed Eurobond Issued by Ukraine
May 27, 2015The Ukrainian government yesterday announced the issuing of a $1 billion US Backed Eurobond. The bond expires [...]
Corruption Getting Worse, say Business People in Ukraine
Corruption Getting Worse, say Business People in Ukraine
May 21, 2015An Ernst & Young survey has shown that despite continued reforms in the Ukraine, people still believe [...]
Ukraine Law to Block Debt Repayments
Ukraine Law to Block Debt Repayments
May 20, 2015The Ukrainian Parliament has passed a law allowing the government to impose a debt moratorium against its [...]
US Want to Help the Ukrainian Gas Industry
US Want to Help the Ukrainian Gas Industry
May 18, 2015Russian newspaper Gazeta, is reporting that the US want to facilitate the Ukrainian gas industry and help it become [...]
Free Fall in the Ukrainian Economy
Free Fall in the Ukrainian Economy
May 16, 2015Figures released last week have shown the Ukrainian economy to be far worse than even the worst official [...]
Ukraine to Claim Compensation from Russia
Ukraine to Claim Compensation from Russia
May 12, 2015Ukraine’s Development Minister, Oleksandr Borovik, has said the country will be seeking compensation [...]
Billions Spent by Eastern Shoppers in Poland Last Year
Billions Spent by Eastern Shoppers in Poland Last Year
May 07, 2015According to data from the Statistical Office in Rzeszow, 9.6 billion zloty (€2.37 billion) was spent in border [...]