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Bulgaria to Clean Up Environment for EU Funding

Bulgaria’s Environment Minister, Ivelina Vasileva is to take measures to reduce air pollution in Bulgaria, among other environmental policies and investments.  

As part of the country’s debate on European Union funding titled ‘Nine Paths to the EU Funds’, the minister has opened up the idea of introducing a tax on older cars to encourage less pollution.

Being the European Union’s poorest country, Bulgaria have a large number of older, more polluting vehicles on it’s roads.



Other areas the minister is looking at improving include water and sanitation, of which 562 million lev (€287 million) is too be allocated from state funds. This represents 70% of the government’s current budget to clean up the environment.

Money is also to be allocated to protect areas from flooding and to provide crisis and emergency centres in areas affected by such events.

Structural Funds


Bulgaria is entitled to €7.6 billion in EU Structural and Investment funds during the current 2014-2020 period. However, to qualify for certain elements of the money, measures must be taken by recipients in a variety of areas, including the environment.

Deputy Prime Minister, Tomislav Donchev stated in May at a debate held in the country on the issue of EU funds, that it was dangerous for the Bulgarian economy to become dependent on the funding.

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